Day 66: “Tequila” – Korpiklaani


The song I suggest you today takes us straight to Finland, which will be appreciated by my mate Matteo. Korpiklaani, in fact, were born over 12 years ago in Lahti first with the name Shaman, Korpiklaani since 2003. They have published their 9th studio album just a few months ago with the title Ukon Wacka , entirely in Finnish, coherently with singer Jonne Järvelä‘s original idea to merge metal and Finn traditional dance and sound. The six members of the band offer a really interesting sound made of distorsions, violin, accordion and traditional instruments(such as jouhikko) and have just attended a date in Italy, on 30th July, at Fosch-fest festival in Bagnatica.

So please taste Tequila, taken from this last album, with its references to South America, a very involving rhythm, as well as an extraordinarily powerful sound.


Miesten mieli maailmalle,
Poluil tietämättömille.
Merien, teiden tuolle puolle,
Taivalt tuonne taittoin.
Kulkurina maailmalla,
Soitel’ viinan vihmomana,
Kansoil’ tuntemattomille.
(Ryypäten elämän janoon.)
Vei polkumme Meksikoon,
Jossa elo on tequilaa.
Argentiina, Columbia, Chile, el viva!
Tiemme Brasiliaan,
Jossa elo caipirinhaa.
Argentiina, Columbia, Chile, el viva!
Caipirinha, tequila, caipirinha, tequila, el viva!
Kun ol’ kyllin jano juotu,
Soitettu mailman tuvil’.
Matkattu pallo halki, poikki.
Piot huolella pietty.
Ei ollut huolta huomenesta,
Ajatusta aionkana,
Kunnes ilon vanhetessa,
Koto mieltä myöden.

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